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Tennis Elbow


Tennis elbow is also known as "Lateral Epicondylitis." It is an inflammation around the bony knob on the outer side of the elbow. It occurs when the tissue that attaches muscle to the bone becomes inflamed or irritated. The bony knob is called the lateral epicondyle.


Overuse - A variety of racket sports or activities such as twisting a screwdriver or lifting heavy objects with your palm down can cause tennis elbow. Anything that involves extending your wrist or rotating your forearm. Overuse or any non-work and work related activities that places stress on the tendon attachments, through stress on the extensor muscle-tendon unit, increases the strain on the tendon. Stress can be caused by “repetitive” gripping and grasping activities, i.e. meat-cutting, plumbing, painting, weaving, etc.

Trauma – A sudden extreme action, force, or activity could injure the tendon as well as a direct blow to the elbow resulting in swelling of the tendon that can lead to degeneration.

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